I completed my PhD at University of Thessaly, Greece, under the supervision of Iordanis Koutsopoulos. I then worked as a Post-doctoral researcher with Leandros Tassiulas for 4 years at CERTH and Yale University, where I was also co-supervised by Nicholas Christakis. I continued as an Assist. Prof with Trinity College Dublin for 4 exciting years, where I collaborated with Douglas J. Leith until 2020. During 5/2021-5/2024 I was splitting my time between TU Delft and Amazon (Visiting Academic), working with the team of G. Paschos.
More details about my recent and past activities:

Professional Experience
Research Scientist
Amazon, 5/2021 - 5/2024
Assistant Professor
Trinity College Dublin, 9/2016 - 10/2020
& TU Delft, 11/2021 - 2/2023
Associate Research Scientist
Yale University, 6/2016 - 5/2017
Post Doc Researcher
Yale University, 10/2014 - 5/2016
UTH, AUTH, CERTH/ITI, 2012 - 2015
Avionics Engineer
Greek Air Force, 2001-2012
2014-2016, Yale University
Post-doc in Cooperative Systems
2012-2014, CERTH/ITI
Post-doc in Communication Networks
2007-2012, University of Thessaly
Ph.D in Communication Networks & Economics
2004-2007, University of Thessaly
M.Sc. in Communication Networks
1996-2000, Greek Air Force Academy
Diploma in Electronics & Telecommunications Eng.
Research Interests Keywords
Network Virtualization
Mobile data analytics
Mobile Edge Computing
Data Caching
Cellular Network Architectures
IoT Networks
Sharing economy platforms
Transportation Networks
Team Members
N. Mhaisen, PhD Student.
M. Kalntis, PhD Student.
S. Appleby PhD Student, TCD (co-supervised).
F. Aslan, PhD Student.
M. Li, PhD Student.
M. Bataillou Almagro, PhD Student (with Amazon)
Orhan Yavascan, PhD Student
Previous Members
D. Tsigkari, Post-Doc, Now with Telefonica, Barcelona
J. Kwak, Post-Doc, Now Associate Prof. with DGIST, S. Korea
V. Valls, Post-Doc, Now with IBM Ireland, Dublin.
P. Basaras, Post-Doc, Now with ICCS, Greece,
J. Romero, Post-Doc, Now with NEC Europe, Madrid.
J. B. Monteil, PhD, Now with Paris-Saclay University, Paris.
A. Galanopoulos, PhD, Now with Genesys, Dublin.
F. Wisnu, Research Assistant, Now at Un. of Oulu, Finland.
I. Khalid, Research Assistant, Now at Un. of Ghent, Belgium
E. Nikoli, Research Assistant, Now with Trinity College Dublin
B. Chen, Research Assistant, Now with Trinity College Dublin
PhD advisor: Iordanis Koutsopoulos (AUEB)
Post-doc advisor: Leandros Tassiulas (Yale) and N. A. Christakis (Yale).
Editorial Boards, IEEE Transactions on Communications (2018 - 2022 ); IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking (Oct. 2019); IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (February 2021 - 2023).
Guest Editor, IEEE JSAC, SI on Caching, December 2017.
TPC Co-Chair, ACM CoNEXT, Student Workshop, 2014; IEEE/WiOPT Workshop on Edge Computing, 2018; IEEE PIMRC Special Session on Mobile Analytics; IEEE WiOpt/CCDWN Workshop 2020.
Publicity Chair, IEEE INFOCOM Workshop on Green Networking, 2016
TPC Member: IEEE INFOCOM 2018-22; IEEE WCNC, IEEE Globecom, IEEE ICNP, IEEE ICC 2016-2017, IEEE WiOpt, and others.
PhD Committee: F. Paisana (TCD, Ireland), S. Feghhi (TCD, Ireland), F. Slyne (TCD, Ireland), P. Basaras (UTH, Greece); J. Krolikowski (Telecom Paris); Z. Mao (NTNU, Norway); J. van de Belt (TCD, Ireland), D. Tsigkari (Eurecom), and others.